Aging Well:

5 Antioxidants You Should Know About


Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder, "What happened?" What happened is that you grew up and matured! Although you may want to look old enough to know what you're doing, you most likely also want to look young enough to still be able to do it!

But how can you slow down the clock?

One of the critical keys to aging well is getting plenty of antioxidants. Surely you've heard that antioxidants are good for your health. But why, exactly, are they so important? And how do they help slow the aging process?

Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals. Studies indicate that the damage caused by free radicals can cause major diseases, including cancer, as well as contribute significantly to the aging process. So antioxidants help protect you from disease and slow down the effects of aging.

Here are some essential antioxidants and where you can find them:

1.      Vitamin C. This is a very important antioxidant, and perhaps the best known for its deficiency disease, scurvy.

·         Vitamin C is also essential for collagen production in the building of skin, blood vessels, and cartilage. It has been shown to protect against heart disease, stress, and cancers. Some studies suggest vitamin C deficiency contributes to atherosclerosis.

·         While most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C, humans cannot.

·         Foods that are very high in vitamin C include red and green hot chili peppers, guavas, bell peppers, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, papaya and strawberries.

2.      Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E in humans. It primarily protects cell membranes by neutralizing the process where free radicals oxidize the cell membrane.

·         Vitamin E is also associated with a decreased risk for prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

·         This vitamin is found in high amounts in wheat germ oil, sunflower, and safflower oils. Other sources include almonds, olives, boiled spinach, and papaya.

3.      Zinc. Zinc is important to over 200 enzymes, in the healing of wounds and sores, the formation of bone tissue, the production of proteins, the regulation of insulin, and in carbohydrate metabolism.

·         The antioxidant effects of zinc are believed to protect the skin and muscles against accelerated aging processes.

·         Approximately 2 billion people are deficient in zinc; studies indicate that this may contribute to the death of 800,000 children each year.

·         Some foods high in zinc include oysters, wheat germ, liver, beans, sesame seeds, beef, and dark chocolate.

4.      Carnosine. Found primarily in brain and muscle tissue, carnosine inhibits glycation, which is an uncontrolled reaction between a sugar and  a protein or fat molecule. Glycation is believed to be a contributor to the aging process.

·         Carnosine also has an action similar to vitamin E and prevents free radical processes in cell membranes.

·         The sources with the highest levels of carnosine include beef, pork, chicken, fish, and dairy.

5.       Flavonoids. These have a general antioxidant activity and are believed to be one of the reasons fruits, vegetables, wine, and tea have a positive effect on the body.

·         Several studies suggest flavonoids can have a preventative action for cancers and cardiovascular disease. It's believed they also are anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.

·         Over 3,000 flavonoids have been identified so far.

·         These chemicals are another excellent reason to eat your fruits and vegetables.

·         Flavonoids are even found in coffee and beer.

Antioxidants have a crucial role in the human body, minimizing the oxidative stress and damage, which is implicated in many diseases and the aging process. Ensuring you have a sufficient (but not excessive) intake is beneficial to your health.

A good rule to follow is to include one or more foods at each meal that include antioxidants. Just like your mom always told you, eat your fruits and vegetables!

The Gut/Brain Connection…

Did you know that our gut and brain are connected in more ways than we ever thought possible? The gut-brain connection refers to the communication network between our enteric nervous system (located in the gut) and our central nervous system (located in the brain). Recent studies have shown that a healthy gut contributes to a healthy brain, and vice versa. The gut is responsible for producing neurotransmitters that affect our mood and behavior, while the brain influences our digestive processes. This connection highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy gut through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices

(hello #fitnessbundle) to support optimal brain function.

So, next time you're feeling moody or stressed, think about what you're feeding your gut! #gutbrainconnection #healthylifestyle #mentalhealthawareness

Product Thursday Video: CBD Energy Capsules…

Ingredient Spotlight - Theobromine…

March 13th, 2023

Let's talk about something super amazing that I don't hear enough people talking about....and you can find it in both my favorite Livcana Energy Capsules AND the Livcana Energy drink.


It’s most famous for being one of the many compounds naturally found in chocolate, but it’s also in tea, among other plant products. Theobromine was discovered in the 1840's, in cocoa beans as a matter of fact.

Theobromine is in the same classification as caffeine, but theobromine is quite different from caffeine because it offers a longer lasting, more relaxed energy without the spike and crash.

Unlike caffeine, theobromine is not a central nervous system stimulant and therefore doesn’t typically make you feel as on edge or jittery. For that same reason, theobromine is non-addictive. The energy from theobromine feels more akin to a good night’s sleep and also gives you a “holistic high” by making you feel more focused, as it is a nootropic in that sense.

Theobromine is gentle, mild, has a slow onset, is long lasting whereas caffeine is intense, strong, fast acting, short lived and can be addictive.

Have you ever heard of Theobromine before? I know it’s one of the natural Ingredients that makes everyone so crazy about our CBD energy products!

Product Thursday Video: The Magic of Moringa…

How Gut

Health Affects

Your Skin

March 7, 2023

Didya know….

If you have an unhealthy gut, it can significantly impact your overall health and your skincare, including but not limited to: breakouts, inflammation, red spots, dry skin, and even premature wrinkles.

The core of beautiful glowing skin is HYDRATION + a HEALTHY GUT BIOME. Over 80% of the body’s immunity and 100+ types of bacteria live in the gut. Since the gut holds such a very high immunoregulatory role, it is very influential on other organs in the body - especially the skin.

When there are imbalances in the gut it releases what is called pro-inflammatory cytokines throughout the body. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it reacts in various ways to the pro-inflammatory cytokines.