About Ashley

Ashley South is a devoted wife, mom of 4 kids and 3 dogs. In her spare time you will find her homeschooling, at pilates, playing tennis or hiking. Fun fact: Ashley has hiked the Grand Canyon RIM to RIM twice in her life! You can also find her going on long road trips with her husband, or in the herbal section of her local holistic health food store nerding out on all things hippie and crunchy.

After college, Ashley quickly found her love and passion for leadership and began her journey into developing leaders within the public relations sector for a large government agency. Ashley quickly rose in ranks as an accomplished public speaker, often appearing in front of large groups of people, legislators, and often on the news/radio. However, she found her true calling to be in teaching and helping others to fulfill their dreams. Ashley advocated and worked incredibly hard to create a fully functioning public relations unit, as well as developed a girl’s leadership program for at-risk youth. It was working for the government that Ashley found her love of coaching and helping others.

About 8 years into her career in public relations, Ashley discovered (quite by accident) the world of Direct Selling. What was initially her attempt to just try some products for a discount quickly escalated into a massive 6 figure business. While she had no background or experience in sales, Ashley found it was her passion for helping others and devotion to servant leadership that brought massive scale success for her in the direct sales world. Within 4 months she was a 6 figure earner, within 8 months she made it to the top .01% of her company, and 9 months in she had paid off all her debt and made the decision to leave the government sector in order to pursue her passion of developing leaders in the direct sales arena. She was top in her company for building leaders and for enrolling, and within two years had a team of almost 2,000 reps that was averaging half a million in sales each month.

After switching from the beauty industry to the health and wellness space, Ashley finally found the right place for her and her team. She wanted products that would change the lives of humans and help them, all while she helped sales reps to build confidence, develop leadership skills and find their own success. She is currently the top income earner at Life Activated Brands, as well as the top leader builder, and when she isn’t touting holistic products to help customers change their lives, she finds herself coaching and working with beginning entrepreneurs and experienced leaders alike.

Ashley loves the lifestyle she has created to be a top income earner while having the flexibility and freedom to be home with her children. She was once a struggling single mother herself and will NEVER forget the days of mom guilt and having daycare raise her children while she had to put food on the table. Three years in as a top leader in the direct sales industry, Ashley has remained the top producer of leaders and team growth. She is known for her no-frills approach and honest, simple communication techniques. She loves to be silly and find a way to bring joy into coaching others. Her deepest passion in life is helping other women find the freedom in their lives so they too never have to choose between earning a salary or being present with their children, and she does it by nurturing, teaching and guiding other social sellers.

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